Thursday, June 19, 2008

Arnold the fortune teller!

Was hearing the local news yesterday and there was a mention of "you can clone your dog now; but do you want to?".

Deja Vu: The sixth day - Arnold Schwarzenegger's movie (2000) - in which he gets a clone for his dog (and gets cloned without his knowledge!). Scary thought!

This also reminded me of a another (albeit funny) movie fortune telling thing: The demolition man (Sylvester Stallone,Wesley Snipes movie released long ago in 1993). In one scene, Sylvester notices "President Arnold library" and asks Sandra Bullock about it. Sandra says "Oh, Yeah, he entered politics and became the President of the United States" for which Sylvester's response goes like "this guy??? President???"; was funny at the time when these 2 were the competing action (read "muscle") heroes. Later Arnold really entered politics and has become a Governor now.

Hopefully, Terminator may never come to pass..(let me start praying now..)

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